
Bedlam Hall - A Macabre Victorian Role-Playing Game

Created by Monkeyfun Studios, LLC

A dreadpunk tabletop rpg combining Downton Abbey with the Addams Family, including backstabbing politics and horrible secrets.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Concerning Travesties of a Horrible Year
about 2 months ago – Fri, Dec 13, 2024 at 09:44:40 AM

Hello again, my Lovelies...

As the year winds down to yet another unsatisfying conclusion, filled with regrets and unfulfilled aspirations that we foolishly assumed would be completed in a timely and satisfying manner, we turn our attention to the last Friday the 13th of the year (that being today).

Yes, we look at today on our calendar, knowing it traditionally holds ill intention and a general sense of unease due to the ill tidings and portents associated with its passing, and quietly wonder to ourselves, "Well. How could it get any worse?"

Dear loved ones, we're happy to tell you how - we have collected all of our previously published Terrible Tales into one dismal collection, "Bedlam Hall - A Travesty of Terrible Tales". Six of the most meandering, uncomfortable gaming experiences you could possibly share with so-called friends, gathered into one compendium for easy burning purposes.

We know this is the last thing you could possibly want, but we had a lousy year ourselves and felt it only appropriate for you to share in our discomfort. Now available on DrivethruRPG for your holiday shopping plans, or quite possibly something to just offend your family members underneath your holiday decorations. 

Get your copy of Bedlam Hall - A Travesty of Terrible Tales now.

Ta, darlings - 

Your friends at Monkeyfun

Concerning Evil Cheese...
4 months ago – Wed, Sep 25, 2024 at 12:15:36 PM

Hello again, my lovelies...

When afflicted by terrible maledictions we often hope that if we just ignore it, it may go away on its own. Like an infection. Or relatives. We assume that hope had been purveying your thoughts regarding Bedlam Hall, hoping the most current international pandemic finally put this horrible publication out of existence.

Your luck just isn't that good, we're afraid. 

"The Terrible Tale of the Meunster of Madness" embraces two of our greatest terrors to our very existence - the slow creep of elder gods into our mortal plane, and dairy products incorporated into organized sport.  

Now available on DrivethruRPG, because the Internet is trying to kill you.

Ta, darlings - 

Your friends at Monkeyfun

Considering the Recurrence of Terrible Times
over 3 years ago – Tue, Aug 17, 2021 at 11:44:27 PM

Hello, my lovelies -

Things just don't seem to improve, do they? We consistently hope for the best, despite ample evidence to the contrary. We hope for brief respite and yet, fate continues to deal unsuspecting blows to the soft white underbelly of our souls. We hope our previous pains and horrors we have endured will finally fade into unpleasant but unspoken memories.

Much like Bedlam Hall.

Yes, we understand you probably hoped this awful flight of fancy you had once toyed with, we understand that you probably hoped it would never darken your life and that at least you could somewhat comfort yourself in knowing that blight was no longer in your existence. 

But still, here we are. We regret to announce our newest Terrible Tale for Bedlam Hall is now available on DrivethruRPG - The Terrible Tale of the Odour Out of Space. This tale concerns cosmic horrors that fall from the sky, sinister visitors that appear at the manor's doorstep, and perhaps the most horrid terrors known to man, plumbing contractors. We do feel a little bad about that last part.

Click to get your copy now.

Your friends at Monkeyfun

Concerning Theatrical Arts and the Risk of French Cuisine
over 5 years ago – Mon, Jul 01, 2019 at 09:45:28 PM

Hello, my lovelies -

Ah, the theater. The roar of the greasepaint, the smell of the crowd. What more could you ask for as an amusing diversion from our day to day drudgery and insufferable torment at the hands of those who ignore our best efforts yet never forget our shortcomings.

We understand, however that entertainment is subjective, not unlike obscenity and the correct amount of garlic in certain cooked dishes. What one person considers appropriate can be judged by others as distasteful, inappropriate and perhaps worthy of a breath mint.

In any event, we are pleased to announce our newest Terrible Tale for Bedlam Hall is now available on DrivethruRPG - The Terrible Tale of the Perilous Play. Not only does it include a most excellent adventure involving a rapscallious group of thespians running amok in the Hall, but it also includes the first act of the forbidden arcane play, "The Monarch in Marigold. We realize that its performance has been coincidentally linked with multiple spontaneous fires and rioting, but we're sure its merely an allergic reaction to the steak au poivre. Try the veal instead.

Click to get your copy now.

Your friends at Monkeyfun

Concerning Malicious Endeavors...
almost 6 years ago – Sat, Apr 27, 2019 at 06:49:19 PM

Oh my, did you think things were going to improve? Perhaps a brief respite from the horrors that you've endured with your discomforting forays into Bedlam Hall and its idiosyncrasies? We truly sympathize and appreciate your naive optimism, but not unlike an unfortunate skin condition, certain things tend to return when you least expect them.

We are pleased to announce that we have a new Kickstarter underway for our newest upcoming publication, A Town Called Malice. This is a new genre we are exploring, that of Nordic horror and small town isolation in the face of terrible impending calamity. You know. That old chestnut.  In all truth, we are quite excited about it and would love for you to explore this new world we've created. Click here to visit our newest Kickstarter, A Town Called Malice.

That is the extent of our more pleasant news, however. We also feel obligated to warn you that once our fundraising for A Town Called Malice has concluded, we will be shortly releasing our newest Terrible Tale for Bedlam Hall, The Terrible Tale of the Perilous Play. Unfortunately, things have not improved whatsoever for the Blackwood family or its staff, so we know you will be highly entertained.

We still think of you often, and hope you explore Malice with us. And you should also get that checked.


Your friends at Monkeyfun